Cultural Anthropology
Examines different levels of technological complexity of selected cultures and analyzes topics common to all societies such as religion, kinship, marriage, child-rearing practices, social structure, ecological relationships, linguistics, and other areas.
Subject Code: ANT
Course Number: 102
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Use a variety of anthropological terms correctly.
2. Identify a variety of ethnographic methods used to study anthropological issues.
3. Differentiate among various anthropological theoretical perspectives.
4. Compare and contrast among various social concepts (ethnicity and race, prejudice and discrimination, ethnocentrism and cultural relativity, assimilation and cultural pluralism, etc.).
5. Compare and contrast the family structure of the U.S. with the family structure of another society.
6. Describe how globalization impacts the nature and pace of cultural change.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

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