Human Biology
Surveys basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology, including the structure of cells, tissues, and organs and their normal physiological interactions. Laboratory experiences reinforce important concepts. Two class hours, two lab hours. (Not for credit in Math/Science curriculum or students with credit in BIO 150, 152, or 153).
Subject Code: BIO
Course Number: 102
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 2
Lab Hours: 2
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will identify the methods scientist use to explore natural phenomena in the field of human biology.
2. Engage in activities using the scientific process in the field of human biology.
3. Name and identify the organs within select body systems (muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, digestive systems or other system).
4. Describe the functions of select body systems (muscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, digestive systems or other system).
5. Label the larger anatomical features of selected body systems using diagrams and laboratory models.
6. Explain the principle of homeostasis as it relates to selected body systems.
7. Predict the outcomes of a homeostatic imbalance (disorder) for select body systems.
8. Apply scientific data to demonstrate a physiological concept.
9. Summarize articles from the current literature on the topic of human biology.
10. Follow lab procedures to produce a laboratory report.
Effective Term: Fall 2020

Tutoring Services
Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.